15th ICID Bangkok, June 13-16, 2012
15th ICID Bangkok, June 13-16, 2012: Important Deadlines
I hope that you plan to attend the 15th International Congress on Infectious Diseases this coming June 13-16 in Bangkok, Thailand.
This Congress will be an incredible opportunity to meet your colleagues from all over the world in one of the most interesting cities in Asia. We anticipate >3000 participants will attend from more than 100 counties, making this the most international meeting you can find anywhere. I think that you will be intrigued by the scientific program that is now nearly complete. What better way to learn and also share your experience in the field!
If you are attending, I encourage you to submit one or more abstracts describing your investigations related to infectious diseases so that you have an opportunity to present your work. Take note: the ABSTRACT DEADLINE is on FEBRUARY 10, 2012. That is less than one month away!
Please contact info@isid.org if you have any questions about the Congress or abstract submission.