15th International Congress on Infectious Diseases (ICID)
The 15th ICID will be held in Bangkok, Thailand on June 13-16, 2012
The ICID, held every 2 years, is the only opportunity for the Society’s membership to come together. It is only then that members can actively exchange ideas concerning the ISID and its activities with representatives of the Executive Committee and Council. your input is important and your contributions are appreciated. We would like to invite all members to participate in the Business Meeting, which will take place on Saturday, June 16, 2012, at 12:45 hrs.
During this meeting, regular members will vote on the composition of the Executive Committee and Council for the period 2012-2014. you will hear reports from various officers concerning the ongoing activities of the Society, and you will be able to voice your suggestions and concerns.
A light lunch will be provided.
We hope you will attend this important meeting.
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