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PRO/AH/EDR> Schmallenberg virus – Europe (45): Denmark, serological evidence

Primeira evidencia serológica de contacto com o virus de SCHMALLEMBERG em bovinos na Jutelandia , Dinamarca
The National Veterinary Institute has found antibodies against
Schmallenberg virus [SBV] in samples from 2 cattle in southern
Jutland. This is the 1st infection with this new virus found in Danish

The 2 cattle originating from the same herd in southern Jutland have
been subjected to SBV infection that has spread in Europe since the
summer of 2011. This is shown in a survey for antibodies made by the
National Veterinary Institute.

“This is the 1st finding that livestock in Denmark has been infected
with Schmallenberg virus,” says Anette Botner, a veterinarian, head of
Section for Exotic Viral Diseases at the National Veterinary

The antibodies produced by the immune system can be traced in the
blood for months after an infection with SBV, and the 2 cattle were
probably infected in the autumn [2011] by small mosquitoes or midges.

Communicated by:
Gert van der Hoek
Senior Moderator


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